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Wyoming Energy

WHEREAS, the state of Wyoming has been blessed with abundant wealth in the form of minerals crucial to the benefit of the United States of America; and,

WHEREAS, coal, oil, gas, trona, bentonite, nuclear fuels, and rare earth minerals, among others, are important to our country’s national security and industry; and,

WHEREAS, Wyoming’s extractive industries are under attack by well-funded international and domestic anti-energy environmental groups and unfriendly governments around the world in the name of so-called climate change; and,

WHEREAS, the science is NOT “settled” as to the role of hydrocarbons in any climate change model; and,

WHEREAS, the United States is dependent on unstable regions and nations; and,

WHEREAS, the Federal Government has formulated numerous rules and restrictions on the construction of any new oil and gas refineries and other associated energy infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Government restrictions have prevented any significant new refineries, and other associated energy infrastructure from being built since 1976; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Wyoming Republican Party fully supports the extractive industries in Wyoming, keenly aware that our minerals, and the people and infrastructure that deliver them, power our great country, serve our American industries, and support Wyoming’s economy; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the country should develop our own resources to be energy independent; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Wyoming Republican Party calls for domestic energy exploration and production to proceed without Federal obstruction; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED energy independence being essential to national security, the Wyoming Republican Party asks the elected officials at all levels of government to support all types of energy development, and all forms of transportation and exportation of oil, coal, gas, and nuclear fuels across state and international lines.


Wyoming Republican Party, 19 Apr 2024 WYGOP State Convention


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