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Reform the University of Wyoming

WHEREAS, the University of Wyoming was formed under the Morrill Act/Agriculture College Act of 1890, which states, “without excluding other scientific and classical studies and including military tactic, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic

arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the states may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life”; and

WHEREAS, the University of Wyoming receives approximately $250 Million dollars of State Aid above the Land Grant Money they receive; and

WHEREAS, Title 97 – Wyoming Constitution, Article 1, Section 19, “No money of the state shall ever be given or appropriated to any sectarian or religious society or institution.”; and

WHEREAS, the University of Wyoming is reaching beyond the original intention of educating students to include such things as “Symposiums on Social Justice”, and hosting meetings and retaining fliers for a Wyoming Young Communist League; and

WHEREAS, it is plainly recognized that “Social Justice” is a movement to indoctrinate Americans to accept Marxism, an ideology hostile to the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Wyoming; and

WHEREAS, according to an article included in the UWYO Magazine for Alumni and Friends of the University of Wyoming, the Symposium on Social Justice was highlighted with pictures to include, “The United Multicultural Council Drag Show as one of many fun events held during the annual symposium”; and

WHEREAS, the same article also quotes symposium co-chair Kora Wolfgang, a Multicultural Affairs gender and sexuality project coordinator, “Although Laramie and UW have made significant changes and advancements over the past 25 years, there is still much room for growth to make safe and protected spaces for the 2SLGBTQIAP+ community”; and

WHEREAS, according to symposium co-chair and assistant lecturer Allison Gernant, “This conference is crucially important to the University, to Laramie and to the State of Wyoming as a whole,” “Universities are in the business of TRANSFORMATIVE learning and engagement – that kind of learning should be happening at every turn…”; and

WHEREAS, according to the Wyoming Young Communist League fliers, “During these meetings, we discuss readings on Communist Theory and talk about the applications, and how to implement it in today’s world and on campus.” As well as, “Working with other campus groups to promote equality and fight transphobia on campus.”; and

WHEREAS, the University of Wyoming allows the Wyoming Young Communist League to host their informational meetings every week on school grounds in a private room in the Wyoming Union; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, the Wyoming Republican Party demands the Wyoming State Legislature ensures that the University of Wyoming return to a respectable college of higher learning and education as it was formed under the Morrill Act/Agriculture College Act of 1890.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Wyoming Republican Party supports funding only those programs designated by the Morrill Act and appropriate funding to accomplish classical studies programs designed to educate, not indoctrinate students.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Wyoming Republican Party demands that the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Gender Studies and Social Justice are defunded from the University of Wyoming, and to maintain the stance of the senate on defunding these programs.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party requires the University of Wyoming to provide a standard budget to be approved as part of the normal appropriations bill and process.


Wyoming Republican Party, 19 Apr 2024 WYGOP State Convention

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