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Resolution to Recognize the Definition of Marriage as One Man, One Woman

WHEREAS we believe strong traditional marriages and nuclear families have been the foundation of strong societies throughout the world, and the state has a compelling interest in traditional marriage as the best institution to provide good citizens; and

WHEREAS we believe that due to innate biological differences between men and women and the unique procreative capacity of an opposite-sex union, marriage has been understood in civilized society as only between a man and a woman; and

WHEREAS the creation, nurture, and socialization of the next generation is mainly accomplished through the family unit; and

WHEREAS where same-sex marriage has been legalized, legislative and court actions have shown that it is difficult for same-sex marriage and religious freedom and free speech to co-exist; and

WHEREAS where same-sex marriage has been legalized, schools have maintained that they can teach homosexuality to children K-12 without parental notification or consent; therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Wyoming Republican Party recognizes the importance of marriage being a union between a man and a woman in spite of recent court decisions to the contrary; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Wyoming Republican Party calls on government at all levels to protect religious liberty of those who refuse to participate in activities, in commerce or otherwise, which contradict their faith.


Wyoming Republican Party, 19 Apr 2024 WYGOP State Convention


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