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Wyoming Water Rights

WHEREAS, the Wyoming Republican Party supports Wyoming’s primacy over its

water and the doctrine of prior appropriation,

WHEREAS such agencies as the Environmental Protection Agency and their officials have imposed undue hardship on American citizens, particularly in production agriculture, industry, and

WHEREAS Wyoming's water should not come under the control of the federal government,

BE IT RESOLVED that "Navigable Waters" should continue to mean streams and rivers that are navigable year around. Further, the Clean Water Act should remain applicable only to Navigable Waters, and

RESOLVED, the Wyoming Republican Party opposes any attempt to encroach upon water and/or water rights belonging to an individual or the state and administered by the State of Wyoming, and compels the state engineer to vigorously defend Wyoming’s water rights, laws and compacts; and

RESOLVED, the Wyoming Republican Party supports the development and

management of upstream water storage and other water projects to benefit

Wyoming’s economy.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Wyoming Republican Party opposes any

attempt to export water from Wyoming and,

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Wyoming Republican Party supports

Wyoming’s Sovereign right to manage all water within its borders


Wyoming Republican Party, 22 May 7 State Convention


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