WHEREAS, public medical policy has been influenced by the drug companies and
insurance companies, and regulations in making laws and mandates that take away free citizen's rights to choose what is injected and what procedures are performed upon their bodies and the bodies of their minor children; and
WHEREAS, vaccinations have been purported to be safe and effective means of
giving a body immunity to disease, but have been shown to have risk of disastrous side effects and even death in some people; and
WHEREAS, the medical establishment is highly influenced by drug and insurance
companies in what they can and cannot prescribe and what treatments they can give to their patients, thus creating a conflict of interest. Free citizens and their
physicians should have their right to choose medical treatments given and received without government interference; and
WHEREAS, evidence abounds regarding deleterious effects of some of the
substances being used to vaccinate against COVID-19 and the many reported
adverse effects of those shots, including myocarditis, liver damage and heart failure;
BE IT RESOLVED, the Wyoming Republican Party asks for the removal of all waivers to the manufacturers and developers of the so-called vaccines and requests full transparency from all government entities regarding the side effects of those so-called vaccines; and
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party stands for freedom in health care. That we will stand against any forced or mandated medical procedures upon any person's body, and the bodies of their minor children. We will stand for freedom and the opportunity to choose the medical procedures, vaccinations, or examinations used upon any person's body and the bodies of their minor children; and
BE IT RESOLVED, every person has the inalienable right to bodily integrity, free
from any threat or compulsion that the person accepts any medical intervention,
including immunization. No person may be discriminated against for refusal to
accept an unwanted medical intervention, including immunization; and
BE IT RESOLVED that; all health care mandates and vaccine passports shall be
prohibited by State Statute in Wyoming.
Wyoming Republican Party, 22 May 7 State Convention