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Stock Fees

WHEREAS the State of Wyoming is a large producer of beef,

WHEREAS the beef industry of Wyoming supplies local beef to stores and restaurants and other businesses that rely on Wyoming beef,

WHEREAS Wyoming dairy farms produce much more of our local milk and dairy products,

WHEREAS Wyoming hog growers supply a large amount of the pork that we eat in the state of Wyoming,

WHEREAS the new “infrastructure” bill passed by Congress will add as much as $1800.00 tax to each head of livestock grown in the state of Wyoming,

WHEREAS the fees will more than triple the cost of our meat that we purchase and triple the cost of our dairy products,

WHEREAS such fees would cripple Wyoming’s stock growers and farmers and drive many of them out of business,

WHEREAS such a bill was meant to eliminate small ranchers and dairy farmers,

WHEREAS our farmers and ranchers have been burdened to the extent that many are quitting and selling their farms and ranches,

WHEREAS the time to stand for our local ranchers and farmers is long overdue and this is the time to take a stand,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Wyoming Republican Party urges the state legislators and governor to protect our stock growers and dairy farmers by denying any federal incursion on our state by denying any federal tax on the livestock and to protect our farmers and ranchers.


Wyoming Republican Party, 21 Nov 13 SCC


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