WHEREAS, the healthcare provider/patient relationship is sacrosanct; and,
WHEREAS, the government should never interject itself into that relationship; and,
WHEREAS, healthcare providers (not the CDC or hospital administration) are best suited to determine the best treatment for a patient; and,
WHEREAS, before the COVID-19 crisis, healthcare providers practiced medicine and were allowed to prescribe off-label drugs, if in their judgment it would be effective in treating their patient; and
WHEREAS, since the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers have been censored if they stray from the government’s official care plan for a patient with the virus; and
WHEREAS, many patients were saved with hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
BE IT RESOLVED, the WYOMING REPUBLICAN PARTY demands that our healthcare providers be allowed to practice medicine without being penalized, including loss of employment; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Government coercion should not be used to affect
medical decisions.
Wyoming Republican Party, 22 May 7 State Convention