WHEREAS, oil and gas are strategic resources and essential for the military; and
WHEREAS, oil, gas, and coal have been attacked by the religion of climate change; and
WHEREAS, climate change is taught in public funded institutions like the public
schools and the University of Wyoming, and advocated for by Wyoming Public
Broadcasting (NPR); and
WHEREAS, anthropogenic climate variance as taught is caused by CO2, however
other more viable theories such as magnetic pole strength have been published; and
WHEREAS, public funds are being used to liquefy CO2 and inject it into reservoirs in response to the public outcry regarding climate variance. This activity was
accomplished prior to public funding; and
WHEREAS, nuclear fusion is the most promising long-term solution to supplying
power; and
WHEREAS, Wyoming has been a rich source of power for the United States and
should remain one; and
WHEREAS, 48% of Wyoming is federal land. When drilling is stopped on federal
land, Wyoming loses revenue; and
WHEREAS, on Feb 22, 2022, the Biden administrations halted oil and gas leasing on Federal land. The Obama Administration policies caused all rigs in Wyoming to stop drilling for the first time in 60 years; and
BE IT RESOLVED, Public Education should give equal time in education to alternate causes of climate variance or lose public funding; and
BE IT RESOLVED, Public broadcasting must give equal time to alternate causes of
climate variance or lose public funding; and
BE IT RESOLVED, CO2 should be managed by producers of energy or the private
sector and not the government; and
BE IT RESOLVED, the State of Wyoming should begin to transfer Federal lands to
State lands and manage them properly as public land. Proper management includes logging, grazing, sports activity, public access to public lands, recreation, water storage, and all other uses in the public interest; and
BE IT RESOLVED, no public funding should go to private profit projects, including
but not limited to fission power; and
BE IT RESOLVED, the State or Wyoming should invest in Nuclear Fusion research.
Wyoming Republican Party, 22 May 7 State Convention