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Get BLM Out Of Wyoming

WHEREAS, the Bureau of Land Management manages 18.4 million acres of public land in Wyoming; and

WHEREAS, the BLM manages a full 42.9 million acres of federal mineral estate in Wyoming; and

WHEREAS, BLM manages 16 wild horse and burro herd management areas in Wyoming and three holding facilities; and

WHEREAS, it is the statutory mission of BLM to manage these lands for multiple use and sustained yield; and

WHEREAS, the BLM has authorized 1,000 wind turbines directly on important mule deer winter range in Carbon County; and

WHEREAS, the BLM, under the Biden administration is failing to sell leases for energy development, and is failing to manage for recreation through the closure of trails and is failing in its wild horse and burro management, just to name three offenses against Wyoming. Now, therefore; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wyoming Republican Party supports the outright eviction of the Bureau of Land Management from Wyoming, and the final disposal of those lands to the State of Wyoming.


Wyoming Republican Party, 22 May 7 State Convention


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