We applaud those U.S. Senators and Representatives willing to stand against election fraud and object to certification of the ill-gotten swing States’ Electoral College votes on January 6th! "Reports have said that more than a dozen lawmakers met with President Donald Trump to discuss objecting to the certification of Joe Biden’s victory." The number of Congressional leaders joining the fight on January 6th is growing steadily.
It is reasonable for the American people to expect that a majority of the U.S. Senate will refuse to certify the election, since Republicans control the Senate. This is no time to compromise with Democrats. Attempts Efforts to appease them will be for naught if Biden is sworn-in. If Biden does prevail, he should enter the White House with a well-earned stain of illegitimacy that a full Senate refusal to certify would ensure.
This is not the time to “go along to get along.” This is the time to fight. Wyoming's majority -- those 70% of voters who cast ballots for President Trump -- call on Representative Cheney and Senators Lummis and Barrasso to stand in the gap and fight for their votes. As Republicans, our Congressional Our Washington delegation are all members of the Wyoming Republican Party so they should see no conflict in riding for the Republican brand and standing up for our most precious Constitutional right – the right to vote in free and fair elections.
Contact our elected officials today and tell them what you expect:
Representative Liz Cheney Phone: 202-225-2311 Email: https://cheneyforms.house.gov/contact/
Senator John Barrasso Phone: 202-224-6441 Email: https://www.barrasso.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contact-form
Senator-Elect Cynthia Lummis Phone: 307.369.2442 Email: kristin@lummisforwyoming.com