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JANUARY 22, 2017

“We will tirelessly defend the rights of unborn children.”

Cheyenne, Wyo. - Today, a group of pro-life Republican legislators announced plans to begin Precious Feet Fridays, a weekly show of support for the right to life of every unborn child.

Pro-life leaders in the Wyoming Legislature affirmed their support for the sanctity of human life with a pledge to wear Precious Feet lapel pins each Friday during Wyoming’s 64th Legislative Session. The legislators will be providing pins to like-minded lawmakers and guests to share the pro-life message across Wyoming.

“God created us in His own image,” said Representative Mark Baker, HD48. “That is why we wear Precious Feet pins on our lapels each Friday. These pins are identical in size and shape to the feet of a ten week old unborn baby. With this display, we support, recognize and defend every unborn child’s right to life.”

“Every life has value and is worth protecting,” added Representative Marti Halverson, HD22. “More than one million abortions are performed each year in the United States. Just like you and I, the unborn have an inalienable right to life. We will tirelessly defend the rights of the unborn in the Wyoming Legislature.”

“A baby is a gift from God. A gift that declares us as God’s children,” said Representative Nathan Winters, HD28. “As we read in the book of Jeremiah, God’s word affirms that life begins before birth, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5; NIV).’”

“We know from basic biology that every unborn baby's heart begins to beat within 21 days of conception,” said Representative Cheri Steinmetz, HD5. “With each Precious Feet Friday, we reassert our commitment to fight for the rights of the unborn.”


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