JUNE 27, 2018
"Winning Messaging and Media Strategies" Training Session
Chairman Frank Eathorne is pleased to invite all Wyoming Republicans, especially state central committee members and Republican candidates for elected office to attend Wyoming Republicans the "Winning Messaging and Media Strategies" session on June 30th, starting at 2 pm or after the adjournment of the state central committee meeting.
Matt Sharp will lead "Winning Messaging and Media Strategies" with Wyoming attorney Herb Doby Saturday afternoon.
Matt Sharp serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he directs the Center for Legislative Advocacy.
Mr. Doby, a Torrington Republican, was local counsel for the Honorable Ruth Neely in her recent battle with the Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics.
The training session will start on adjournment of the state central committee meeting or at 2 pm whichever is later.
The session is being held at the Jeffrey Memorial Community Center, 315 W Pine St, Rawlins, WY 82301, USA