APRIL 27, 2020
The Wyoming Republican Party gives notice of CALL TO STATE CONVENTION to be held Saturday May 9th, 2020 IN ACCORDANCE WITH Wyoming statute 22-4-116 and Wyoming Republican Party Bylaws Art. VI.1.1-3, the Wyoming Republican Party gives notice that its 2020 State Convention will convene at 9:00 am on Saturday May 9th. Those meetings held in May will be virtual to meet conditions imposed by state and national COVID-19 guidelines in place as of April 8, 2020. Delegates and Alternates will be provided participation details. The business of the 2020 State Convention will be divided between two sessions, to be held in May and June. An additional separate notice for the second (June) session will be filed and published according to statutes and Party bylaws. Session 1 Location: Virtual 8 May 2020 Friday 10:00 am Nominating/Elections and Credentials Committees will meet to conduct the business related to the convention and elections on May 9th. 9 May 2020 Saturday 9:00 am. Business includes the election of at-large delegates and alternates to national Convention, the three Wyoming Presidential electors, and the Wyoming Republican Party National Committeewoman and National Committeeman. Session 2 Location: Cam-Plex, Gillette WY (tentative) 25 and 26 June 2020, Thursday, Friday 10:00 am The Credentials, Bylaws, Platform and Resolutions Committees will meet to the conduct business related to the June 27th Convention session. 27 June 2020, Saturday 10:00 am The 2020 State Convention will reconvene to conduct the balance of the Convention’s work. A total of 506 Delegates, and up to 506 Alternates, selected by the 23 county parties at their respective county Conventions, will serve in the convening body. State Convention Delegate allocation for each county party, and an equal number of Alternates, is as follows: Albany - 24; Big Horn - 13; Campbell - 39; Carbon – 12; Converse – 16; Crook – 10; Fremont – 34; Goshen - 13; Hot Springs – 6; Johnson – 12; Laramie – 74; Lincoln – 21; Natrona – 62; Niobrara – 6; Park – 34; Platte – 10; Sheridan – 32; Sublette – 10; Sweetwater – 26; Teton – 18; Uinta – 17; Washakie – 9; Weston – 8. For more details on these Convention sessions and related events, go to https://www.wyoming.gop/and Facebook page @WYGOP.