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January 31, 2019


The Wyoming Legislature's website has provided a "Summary of Bills" that are currently before committees. In order to help you to remain informed we will be publishing a list of those summaries for one committee each day.

HB0025 19LSO-0282 Virtual education amendments. The bill would authorize postsecondary faculty who are authorized to teach high school courses to teach virtual education high school courses. Additionally, the bill would authorize a full-time virtual education student to be enrolled in the school district in which the student resides pursuant to an agreement between the student's resident district and the school district that provides the student's virtual education.

HB0023 19LSO-0006 Education accountability. This bill would amend the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act. It would modify how the State Board of Education may set school performance targets and threshold scores for meeting or exceeding expectations. It would authorize the State Board to grant exceptions to the accountability system if a school cannot administer the state-wide assessment. It would also amend reporting and review requirements of the State Board relating to the accountability system. Finally, the bill would require components of the accountability system to be provided for in rule.

HB0024 19LSO-0007 National board teacher certification. This bill modifies responsibilities of the State Board of Education and school boards regarding teacher accountability. It amends provisions related to initial contract and continuing contract teachers. It also repeals a provision whereby any teacher can be suspended or dismissed, or a continuing contract teacher terminated, for inadequate student academic growth over two or more consecutive years.

HB0024 19LSO-0007 National board teacher certification.

This bill would authorize the Department of Education to work with a nonprofit entity to create a program to assist public school teachers earn national board teacher certification. The bill would provide that no funds may be distributed to the program unless the nonprofit provides matching funds. Requirements are imposed on teachers to be eligible to receive assistance from the program. The bill would also provide that full-time speech-language therapists are eligible to receive the annual national board teacher certification stipend once the certification is earned.

SF0022 19LSO-0097 School district personnel definitions. This bill would modify who may be granted permission to carry a firearm on a public school campus.

SF0043 19LSO-0378 Hathaway scholarship eligibility. This bill would modify eligibility requirements to receive certain Hathaway scholarships. It would amend success curriculum requirements for fine and performing arts, career-vocational education, and foreign language. It would also provide that a prescribed career-technical aptitude test score may be used to satisfy an eligibility requirement.

SF0064 19LSO-0288 School safety and security. This bill would require school districts to develop comprehensive school safety and security plans and implement a staff training program to improve school safety in the event of a violent intruder attack. A $100,000 appropriation is provided to assist school districts in providing the required training. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction would be required to develop model safety and security guidelines for school districts to use in developing their plans. The bill would also create a $100 fine for unlawfully passing a stopped school bus for the registered owner of the vehicle in instances where the identity of the offending driver is unknown.


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