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Statement on Uinta County

The State Central Committee (SCC) of the Wyoming Republican Party held a Special Meeting May 4th to receive and act upon its Investigative Committee’s report as to the recent Uinta County Republican Party elections. In a letter to the Wyoming Republican Party, Mr. Jon Conrad asked the party to review the matter and take action. In his letter and in his Complaint filed, Mr. Conrad alleged it was improper for county party officers to vote in the election. The Uinta County GOP denies those allegations and asserts it followed its county Bylaws as well as the Wyoming Republican Party Bylaws and the statutes. The Uinta County GOP invited the party to investigate as well.

As a result, the matter was referred to the Investigative Committee under the authority granted in the Bylaws to resolve disputes. This authority is further supported by court rulings holding the state party may resolve disputes when invited to do so by the parties involved.

The Investigative Committee presented a report to the SCC after conducting a thorough investigation, interviewing witnesses, and reviewing numerous documents provided. The SCC voted 48 to 2, with 4 abstentions, at its May 4th meeting in favor of accepting the conclusions of the Investigative Committee that State and Uinta County Bylaws both authorize county officers to vote on matters before the county central committee and neither the information provided nor the Wyoming Statutes cited supported Mr. Conrad’s assertion. Therefore, the investigation has been concluded and the SCC has accepted its recommendation and report.


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