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August 28, 2019

The Wyoming Republican Party State Central Committee held their quarterly meeting in the Big Horn Basin August 23rd and 24th, 2019.

The Budget and Audit Committee meeting took place on Friday the 23rd during which time the 2019-2021 budget was finalized. The Executive Committee approved the proposed changes, adding expenditure categories for election poll watching and election litigation. Republican National Convention trainers held a two hour training for 26 chairmen, committeemen committeewomen that included grassroots engagement, finance, and data capabilities.

The day was capped off in fine fashion at the Greybull Elk’s Lodge with a catered dinner, live music, and numerous hand-made auction items to benefit the Big Horn County Republicans. The items were of top quality local craftsmanship, including leather and Indian beaded bracelets, a wood decor American flag, Trump socks, and cinnamon rolls from Country Bakery in Lovell. Republican supporters from the area enjoyed the auction, food, and danced to the music. Among them were Representative Jamie Flitner and her husband Tim who purchased the handmade 5 foot by 7 foot American flag blanket.

The next morning’s meeting of the elected state central committee members, guests and elected officials began at 9am in the Greybull Recreation Center. The venue provided abundant room for the 73 voting members in attendance. Governor Mark Gordon addressed the members and earned an enthusiastic response while speaking to issues such as WYDOT accountability, infrastructure for emergencies, unfettered trade and emphasizing a budget where we can do more with less. The governor also pointed to our US and Wyoming Constitutions citing the importance of the freedoms we enjoy as a result of those founding documents. Mark Gordon is rated as the #5 governor in the nation!

Wyoming State Treasurer Curt Meier also appeared and received a warm welcome while delivering remarks regarding his administration. 

Liason to the Wyoming House of Representatives Dan Laursen provided a legislative update. National Committeewoman Marti Halverson, who also serves on the Republican National Committee (RNC) Convention Arrangements Committee, updated attendees on the National Convention. National Committeeman Corey Steinmetz reported on his first RNC meeting this past July in Charlotte, followed by state party Chairman Frank Eathorne who briefed the room on state party and RNC developments.

The Wyoming Republican Party places a high value on youth and welcomed College Republican President Marvin Vinluan from UW. A letter was sent by Wyoming Catholic College Student President Anthony Jones and read to the crowd. 

Guest speaker Thomas Wright flew in to address and inform Republicans on Utah’s Convention Caucus election system. Mr. Wright serves as Utah’s National Committeeman, was recently elected as the Republican National Committee Western Region Vice-Chairman and leads the RNC Resolutions Committee as Chairman. 

The orders of the day proved to be a lengthy commitment including an approval of a biennial budget, and reports from standing and special committee chairmen. Party Vice-Chairman David Holland reported for Committee to Win 2020. Janet Mader chairs the Convention 2020 and gave a progress report. The Governance Review and Feedback Committee Report was provided by Chairman Bryan Miller. Site Selection Committee Chairman Karl Allred reported the next quarterly meeting will be held in Lusk in November. Coms Director Trinity Lewis told the members of exciting developments regarding the WYGOP Facebook page and related communications. The Wyoming Republican Federation of Republican Women Representative and Wyoming MAGA Chair Karla Klopfenstein provided an update. David Hugenal from the Trump 2020 Victory team spoke to the members and revealed battle strategy and great news from our president’s re-election team.

Mid- afternoon at the Greybull Rec Center brought lively debate and thoughtful consideration to a number of resolutions, one of which passed named the ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’.

A full listing of passed resolutions will be posted to the Wyoming.GOP website soon. 

The final item of business was an action item decided by the SCC at the end of June meeting. The decision to conduct a Ballot Initiative to close Wyoming’s Primary met its launch on this day. Many members of the SCC signed up to carry petitions and bring this issue to next year’s ballot. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.

The next quarterly meeting for the Wyoming Republican Party State Central Committee will be held in Lusk November 15th and 16th. You won’t want to miss the prime rib dinner Friday the 15th. For more information log into Wyoming.GOP.


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