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APRIL 07, 2020

The Wyoming Republican Party 2020 State Convention is just around the corner.  NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN AND NATIONAL COMMITTEEWOMAN CANDIDATES Those wishing to represent Wyoming as Republican National Committeeman and Republican National Committeewoman must submit their names to Nominating Committee Chairman, David Holland (, no later than April 25th for election on May 9th during the Wyoming Republican Party State Convention held virtually. Nominations for these positions will also be taken from the floor.  CANDIDATES FOR US HOUSE AND SENATE US House and Senate Candidates wishing to speak at the State Convention on May 9th are required to announce their candidacy in a major Wyoming publication no later than April 25th, 2020 and also notify Chairman Holland ( Only candidates that have met this notice requirement will be scheduled to speak before the 506 delegates and alternates at State Convention. DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES TO THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION Any Wyoming Republican interested in attending the Republican National Convention as a delegate please reach out directly to David Holland. Additionally, our county affiliates have called for nominations for delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention. County Chairmen, please submit those names to Kathy Russell ( or Chairman Holland (  With any questions please reach out to David Holland by email


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