Reason 100
Donald Trump understands American ideals like freedom, liberty and justice. He is proud of the flag, supports the family unit and has reinforced the realization of the American Dream.
“Thanks to the courage of those patriots of July 4th, 1776, the American Republic stands today as the greatest, most exceptional, and most virtuous nation in the history of the world.
Our workers, our factories have revolutionized industries and lifted millions into prosperity. Our artists, architects, and engineers have inspired the globe with transcendent works of beauty. American heroes defeated the Nazis, dethroned the fascists, toppled the communists, saved American values, upheld American principles, and chased down the terrorists to the very ends of the Earth...Our inventors, scientists, doctors, and researchers have improved the lives of billions and billions all around the world. Our brave astronauts planted the American flag on the Moon, and America will be the first nation to land on Mars.”
Donald Trump, July 4 Speech
Reason 99
Donald Trump stands with our law enforcement and will keep our country safe. We know that the Left would like to see our nation remain in complete chaos in order to fundamentally overthrow our American way of life for Marxism and anarchy.
We believe in the rule of law and that protecting its citizens is one of the few responsibilities that belongs to the Government. We will no longer be a land abiding by the rule of law if those enforcing the law are attacked, defunded or eliminated by the Left’s regressive agenda.
“Today, I stand before you, as the President of the United States, to tell you that my Administration will always honor, cherish, and support the men and women in blue.”
President Donald J. Trump
Reason 98
Donald Trump is a man of his word.
The old adage “How do you know a politician is lying? If his mouth is moving!” is something to which most of us have grown accustomed. Not with Donald Trump! Trump is a businessman and patriot, not a politician. When he commits to something, he follows through. We support Donald Trump because what he says, he will do.
Reason 97
Donald Trump is allowing parents to build a future for their children.
From a booming economy (pre-COVID) to tax cuts, Donald Trump has made strides to ensure that everyday Americans succeed. Since the COVID crisis, he’s worked hard to ensure jobs are making an unprecedented rebound.
By fighting for a country where the ideals on which America was built, like freedom, liberty, responsive government and patriotism for the American way, parents are excited about their children’s future.
“...let us go forward united in our purpose and re-dedicated in our resolve. We will raise the next generation of American patriots. We will write the next thrilling chapter of the American adventure. And we will teach our children to know that they live in a land of legends, that nothing can stop them, and that no one can hold them down. They will know that in America, you can do anything, you can be anything, and together, we can achieve anything.
Uplifted by the titans of Mount Rushmore, we will find unity that no one expected; we will make strides that no one thought possible. This country will be everything that our citizens have hoped for, for so many years, and that our enemies fear — because we will never forget that American freedom exists for American greatness. And that’s what we have: American greatness.”
- Donald Trump, July 4, 2020
Reason 96
Donald Trump has worked to expand American energy.
He signed legislation to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to domestic energy production. He approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, with 42,000 jobs and $2 billion in earnings. He repealed the Clean Power Plan, a regulation estimated to increase energy costs by billions. And he kept his campaign promise to get America out of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Reason 95
Donald Trump has made strides for sensible healthcare initiatives.
As part of the landmark Tax Cuts and Jobs Act President Trump repealed the individual mandate, which forced people to buy expensive insurance and taxed those who couldn’t afford it. The mandate disproportionately hurt the poor: 80% of those affected made less than $50,000.
Reason 94
Donald Trump understands and fights for border security and the rule of law.
“While radical left-wing politicians have fought to open borders and welfare for illegal aliens, my administration has fought for safe streets. We want security for our people. We want the rule of law. We want law and order.”
Reason 93
Donald Trump is taking care of our veterans.
Wyoming is blessed to have a large population of veterans. According to 2018 numbers, 1 in every 10 Wyoming residents are veterans. These brave men and women have fought for our country and as Republicans we vow to honor them, and that’s what Donald Trump has done.
President Trump signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.) to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers. Through 2018, more than 4,300 Veterans Affairs employees were removed, demoted, or suspended as a result of the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act.
Reason 92
Donald Trump is helping us realize the American Dream!
Under Donald Trump’s leadership we have experienced unprecedented economic growth. The corresponding opportunity and financial flourishment allowed numerous individuals to take one step further in accomplishing the American Dream.
Reason 91
Promises made - promises kept!
Donald Trump has kept his campaign promises. Under his guidance America has seen growth in nearly every area of the economy. We’ve seen a bolstered thread of patriotism and, even in these times of COVID, we know that his leadership will bring us back into prosperity.
Reason 90
Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in America’s recent history.
“Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and sanctity of every human life.”
Donald Trump, 2020 March for Life
Reason 89
Donald Trump supports a capitalist society.
This election is a clear choice for the continued growth or absolute destruction of America. Donald Trump embraces a capitalist society. One in which individuals are rewarded for their hard work with personal success. Sleepy Joe Biden, on the other hand, wants to ring in the demise of our economy by promoting socialism. An economy in which we would all be slaves of the state.
Preserve our nation, vote for Donald Trump.
Reason 88
Donald Trump unites Americans around the common cause of making America Great Again.
While the Left continues to drive a wedge between Americans, Donald Trump reminds us of the amazing history upon which the freest nation on earth was built. His rallying cry of Keeping America Great resonates with Americans in every walk of life.
Reason 87
Donald Trump said he would protect America by securing our borders. “Build the wall” wasn’t just a rallying cry - it was an action item that the President took seriously and has continued to carry out.
Alternatively, Joe Biden has promised he will discontinue building a barrier of any kind to keep our country secure.
For a safer and more secure America vote for Donald Trump!
Reason 86
Donald Trump has advocated for our education system to return to teaching about the values upon which America was built.
This dovetails with the believes of Wyoming Republicans as stated in the Wyoming Republican party Platform: The Wyoming Republican Party supports the teaching of the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Wyoming, the Declaration of Independence, and other United States founding documents as well as the factual history and heritage of the United States in Wyoming schools and the historical evidence of the role of faith and biblical principles in the founding of our nation.
Reason 85
Donald Trump continues to rebound from the devastation of COVID. American jobs are steadily. on the rise.
“Jobs and companies are coming back to our country like never before. The power of tariffs being imposed on foreign lands that took advantage of the United States for decades and decades have enabled us to make great trade deals where there were none. Tens of billions of dollars are now paid to the United States Treasury by the same countries.”
Donald Trump, July 4 Speech
Reason 84
Donald Trump has been unwavering in revealing China’s plan to destroy America. From tariffs to trade deals, illegal weapons to COVID 19, Donald Trump has continued to expose China for being a force against America which must be defended against.
Reason 83
Donald Trump understands the economics and strategic decisions it takes to run a business. He has implemented this discernment in leading America and it continues to allow the USA to prosper. With Trump at the helm, America is experiencing a great American comeback!
Reason 82
Donald Trump holds the line against the rabid dangers of socialism.
"Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country," the president said. "America was founded on liberty and independence - not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free...Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country,"
Donald Trump, 2019 State of the Union Address
Reason 81
Donald Trump said he would get us out of the unreasonable Paris Climate Agreement. Not only did he do that but he rescinded President Obama’s costly Clean Power Plan and instead has proposed the Affordable Clean Energy Rule.
According to NERA Economic Consulting, the CPP would have increased electricity rates by as much as 14 percent, costing American households up to $79 billion.The Affordable Clean Energy Rule will reduce greenhouse gasses, empower states, promote energy independence, and facilitate economic growth and job creation.
In addition to the Clean Power Plan, the Trump administration has rescinded many costly Obama-Era regulations.The EPA has rescinded President Obama’s methane emissions rule that would cost American energy developers an estimated $530 million annually.The EPA is reviewing a rule that if rescinded would relax costly fuel standards and save $340 billion in regulatory costs.
Reason 80
President Trump makes promises and then follows through.
Under the President’s leadership, he has applied tax cuts that reward everyday
Americans with the ability to keep more of their hard-earned money.
Reason 79
Donald Trump has been bold in calling out the fake news media.
Even in Wyoming we are aware that the story told by the press is often a misrepresentation of the truth. Donald Trump is a “no spin” president and has finally called out the lamestream media for the propaganda they continue to spew.
Reason 78
Donald Trump is regaining America's superiority without imperialism.
Even prior to his election, Donald Trump was well respected worldwide. As President he has continued to earn the respect of foreign leaders. He doesn’t bow to them and he exudes confidence in the nation he loves - the USA.
Reason 77
Donald Trump is working hard to maintain the integrity of America's elections.
While the Left works hard to introduce fraud, the President continues to push back to ensure fair elections for the American people.
Reason 76
Donald Trump continues to work to repair America's infrastructure.
Trump understands the impact of good infrastructure on industry and everyday life. Trump has prioritized rural infrastructure as well and is committed to extending broadband to every community in the country.
Reason 75
Donald Trump Stands in support of Israel.
"America and Israel are woven together by history, heritage, and the hearts of our people. We share a love of freedom, democracy, religious liberty, the rule of law, and national sovereignty. And we share that.
The story of Israel is a tale of triumph in the face of centuries of oppression and persecution. The Jewish people endured, persevered, and flourished beyond measure, building a thriving, proud, beautiful, and mighty nation in the Holy Land.
The friendship between our countries is essential to achieving a more safe, just, and peaceful world. That is why every single day since I took the Oath of Office, I have stood firmly, strongly, and proudly with the people of Israel."
- Donald Trump
Israeli American Council National Summit
Dec. 8, 2019
Reason 74
Donald Trump values State’s Rights and continues to lead the way in an accountable and responsive government.
To ensure the Government serves the needs of all Americans, President Trump has established a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch and his administration has begun to implement this plan.
Reason 73
Donald Trump can't be bought.
Unlike typical politicians Donald Trump can't be bribed by political favors or financial gain. In fact, since his inauguration, President Trump has continued to donate his salary to noble causes including; National Parks Service, Department of Education, Health and Human Services, Department of Transportation, Department of Veterans Affairs, Small Business Administration, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Agriculture, U.S. Surgeon General’s Office, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, Department of Health and Human Services and many, many more. He's selfless and in it for the interest of the American people.
Reason 72
Donald Trump is making strides for practical and affordable education measures.
Donald Trump is both an advocate for trade schools as well as school choice, both of which would allow educations savings for students and families. In his FY2019 budget President Trump proposed a $5 billion federal tax credit on donations that fund scholarships to private and vocational schools, apprenticeships programs and other educational opportunities.
Reason 71
Donald Trump was received an unanimous vote from Wyoming delegates to be nominated as the Republican candidate for President.
Wyoming stands in full support of Donald J Trump!
Reason 70
Donald Trump has appointed conservative judges at every level.
President Trump appointed conservative Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, he has appointed more than 50 circuit or appeals court judges and President Trump has appointed more than 80 district court judges.
Reason 69
Donald Trump's leadership has allowed families more possibilities than ever before.
In the past 4 years median household income has hit the highest level ever recorded. As a result, parents are able to have more options, provide better for their families and pour more into their communities.
Reason 68
President Trump doesn't have the audacity to announce which businesses or people are essential or not. He believes in the free market.
Reason 67
President Trump sees through the lies of the mainstream media and the mantra constantly shared by the left.
Reason 66
President Trump has worked hard to remain calm in the COVID frenzy when much of the world chose fear over facts.
Reason 65
President Trump stands against taxes and egregious government overreach.
Reason 64
President Trump has works hard putting in many more hours than the average work day.
Reason 63
President Trump has grown the base of the Republican Party to include a large variety of proud Americans.
Reason 62
President Trump represents the grassroots of our nation and has continued to bolster pride in America.
Reason 61
President Trump has the best interest of the American people in mind.
Reason 60
President Trump cares about the youth of America and has worked to provide them bright hope for the future.
Reason 59
President Trump won't sell America out to our adversaries.
Reason 58
Donald Trump has worked tirelessly to cut red tape.
Since the election of President Trump, a record number of regulations have been eliminated. His efforts to deregulate have created an environment in which the economy has thrived.
"The American people know best how to run their own lives. They don’t need Washington bureaucrats controlling their every move and micromanaging their every decision. With each regulation we cut, we’re not only returning the money and the power to our citizens, we are draining the Washington swamp, and they’re not happy about it — I can tell you that."
- Donald Trump
July 16, 2020
Reason 57
Donald Trump is allowing American families to keep more of their hard-earned dollars.
"As part of Republican tax cuts, in 2019 alone, our child tax credit put over $2,000 dollars into the pockets of 40 million American families.
Democrat politicians recently introduced a plan to increase the child tax credit, yet when I was fighting less than three years ago, at the president's direction, to get Congress to double the child tax credit, not a single Democrat voted to pass the law -- we got it done anyway!"
- Ivanka Trump
2020 Republican National Convention
Reason 56
Donald Trump treasures America's history and believes in America's future.
"Ronald Reagan’s quote ends with this simple warning. 'One day we could spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States, where men and women were free.' Under President Trump, freedom will never be a thing of the past. That’s what a vote for Donald Trump represents. It’s a vote for the American spirit, the American dream, and for the American flag. To the law enforcement officer who’s being attacked, betrayed, and whose job they are trying to make extinct, my father will fight for you. To all houses of worship and to all people of faith stripped of our religious freedoms and religious liberties, my father will fight for you. To the voiceless, shamed, censored, and canceled, my father will fight for you. To our farmers who work dawn to dusk to keep our plates full, my father will fight for you. To every single mother and father, to our veterans, our coal miners, and to the American worker, my father will fight for you. And to every proud American who bleeds red, white, and blue, my father will continue to fight for you."
- Eric Trump
2020 RNC
Reason 55
Donald Trump cares about people.
"I watched him treat janitors, security guards, and waiters the same way you would treat a VIP. He made them feel special because he knew they were. He understands that they are the people who make this country run. They clean, they cook, they build, they drive, they deliver. He told me, 'Herschel, make an effort to get to know people. Remember their names.' That stuck with me. One time I planned to take his kids to Disney World with my family. At the last minute, Donald said he’d like to join us. So there he was in a business suit on It’s a Small World ride. That was something to see. It just shows you what a caring, loving father he is."
- Herschel Walker
2020 RNC
Reason 54
Donald Trump has made massive strides for the pro-life movement.
"This election is a choice between two radical anti-life activists and the most pro-life president we have ever had."
- Abby Johnson
Former Planned Parenthood Director and now Pro-Life Activist
2020 RNC
Reason 53
President Trump believes in a well-educated populous equipped with an understanding of American history and our Constitution.
"The only way to keep a free republic is with a well-educated moral citizenry that can self- govern...we’ll keep fighting for the country and children we love just like President Trump...President Trump isn’t afraid to fight for what’s right. He won’t back down. His courage gives great teachers renewed hope."
- Rebecca Friedrichs
2020 RNC
Reason 52
Donald Trump has brought America peace through strength.
"Now, the U.N. is not for the faint of heart. It’s a place where dictators, murderers, and thieves denounce America, and then put their hands out and demand that we pay their bills. Well, President Trump put an end to all of that with his leadership we did what Barack Obama and Joe Biden refused to do. We stood up for America, and we stood against our enemies.
Obama and Biden let North Korea threaten America. President Trump rejected that weakness, and we passed the toughest sanctions on North Korea in history. Obama and Biden let Iran get away with murder and literally sent them a plane full of cash. President Trump did the right thing and ripped up the Iran nuclear deal. Obama and Biden led the United Nations to denounce our friend and ally, Israel. President Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem, and when the U.N. tried to condemn us, I was proud to cast the American veto.
This president has a record of strength and success."
- Nikki Haley
Former ambassador to the United Nations and former governor of South Carolina
2020 RNC
Reason 51
President Trump continues to make America great again...again!
"The Republican Party is the pro-America party. President Trump is the pro-America candidate. This election is about who can preserve the values, principles, and institutions that make America great."
- Jim Jordan
2020 RNC
Reason 50
President Trump is fighting the forces of communism.
"I heard the promises of Fidel Castro. And I can never forget all those who grew up around me, who looked like me, who could have been me, who suffered and starved and died because they believed those empty promises. They swallowed the communist poison pill. If you have a chance, go to Freedom Tower in Miami. Stop to listen and you can still hear the sounds of those broken those promises being broken. It is the sound of waves in the ocean, carrying families clinging to pieces of wood, families with children who can’t swim, but willing to risk everything to reach this blessed land. It is the sound of tears hitting the paper of an application to become an American citizen. Most heard unlike the promises, but soon after they experienced the reality. Look at them. Listen to them. Learn the truth.
...President Trump is fighting the forces of anarchy and communism. And I know he will continue to do just that."
- Maximo Alvarez
2020 RNC
Reason 49
Donald Trump's economic policy has allowed jobs to soar, in spite of COVID19, unemployment to continue downward and the economy to boomerang back into prosperity.
Reason 48
Donald Trump celebrates the Judeo-Christian roots upon which our country was built and continues go honor and restore them.
"...we don't worship government, we worship God."
- Donald Trump
Values Voter Summit
Reason 47
Donald Trump supports American workers.
"Since the founding of our Nation, American workers have deployed their talents to build beautiful cities, develop new technologies, and shape the global economy. Now, our country depends on these hardworking patriots as we continue to aggressively fight the coronavirus pandemic. In particular, we celebrate every American who has worked tirelessly to ensure we maintain our way of life in this unprecedented time. These vital workers include medical professionals, grocery store and pharmacy clerks, farmers, meatpackers, truckers, factory workers, and the many employees who are important to the supply chain that makes essential goods and medications accessible to all Americans. Essential workers and volunteers like these and others have enabled my Administration to respond swiftly to the coronavirus pandemic and have safeguarded the prospects of countless American businesses and the lives and personal health of millions of people.
From my first day in office, my Administration has acted to foster an environment for growth, jobs, and prosperity. Having built the greatest economy the world has ever seen, my Administration will do it again. We will not rest until American workers are safely back at work."
- Donald Trump
2020 Labor Day Proclamation
Reason 46
Donald Trump has passed historic criminal justice reform.
"Our roaring economy has, for the first time ever, given many former prisoners the ability to get a great job and a fresh start. This second chance at life is made possible because we passed landmark criminal justice reform into law."
- Donald Trump
February 2020
Reason 45
"I support President Trump because he is the one who has done what he said he would do. No platitudes. Just hard work. He has succeeded in spite of the hateful treatment he has received from the Democrats, who want power even at the expense of the people, and the media who hate Republicans in general. He has not been cowed or retreated from doing what is right; he has taken abuse that even Democrats should not receive. But then Republicans would not stoop that low; Democrats revel in it."
- Jack Mueller
Cheyenne, WY 2020 National Convention Delegate Laramie County GOP District 5 Chairman
Reason 44
"My family first landed on the North American Continent in 1636 and initially settled in Salem, Massachusetts. In the ensuing four centuries they labored, loved, prayed and fought to build a new way of life here. Eight of my ancestors were patriots who braved British bullets, bombs and bayonets in the American Revolution to take an unprecedented leap into self government in the form of a representative republic. Since then, each generation has contributed building, defending and prospering this great republic. There are literally thousands of us now spread across the United States and abroad who share this rich inheritance of our forebears. I have raised my children to value this in the hope that they will continue to pass these things on to future generations. I owe this and much more to those who went before us.
Many challenges to our nation have risen in the course of time, and each one in turn has been faced and dealt with at the cost of sustained effort, precious treasure, fervent prayer and sometimes shed blood. Today I observe that an insidious, mortal threat from within and without jeopardizes this, God's great gift of justice, prosperity and freedom to the world, like never before. At present, our country appears polarized between those who want to tear it down and those who will build it up. I believe the president and his administration are solidly in the latter group and committed to making and keeping America great and preserving the vision of our founding fathers. In 2016, God, from whom all authority is derived, chose Donald J. Trump and Michael R. Pence from a field of exceptional candidates to lead America. Their performance over the past four years has confirmed to me that this was a good thing. Therefore, as a duly elected delegate from Wyoming, I cast my vote for them in the Republican Party's nomination process. I expect to vote likewise in the General Election."
- Captain Karl Falken
Riverton, WY
2020 National Convention Delegate
Reason 43
"I commend President Trump and Vice-President Pence for their strong stance against China. For too long, The Chinese government has exploited our liberal trade regime and have taken advantage of American companies. There is overt discrimination in China by their government against US products and services. Chinese predatory practices include the theft of intellectual property from US businesses and from our universities and research labs. The Democrats have been asleep at the wheel in protecting these vital US interests and have tolerated aggressive Chinese behavior against our national interests."
- Alexander Muromcew
Jackson, WY
2020 National Convention Delegate
Reason 42
Donald Trump understands the importance of America's leadership.
"We’re saving the world from a radical-left philosophy that will destroy this country. And when this country is gone, the rest of the world would follow. The rest of the world would follow. That’s the importance of this country."
- Donald Trump
August 2020
Reason 41
Donald Trump will make the economy great again, again.
Data released by the Census Bureau today show that 2019 was a historic year for raising Americans’ living standards. Real median household income reached a record high, and poverty reached a record low. Improvements in income and poverty were the largest in over 50 years. Minority groups—including black, Hispanic and Asian Americans—experienced the largest gains.
Real median household income increased by $4,400 in 2019, reaching an all-time record high of $68,700. This represents a 6.8 percent one-year increase, which is the largest one-year increase in median income on record. Since 2016, real median household income has increased by 9.7 percent (after adjusting for a Census survey redesign in 2017).
Income gains in 2019 were largest for minority groups. Real median income grew by 7.9 percent for black Americans, 7.1 percent for Hispanic Americans, and 10.6 percent for Asian Americans (see Figure 1). These one-year increases were all record highs, and the new income levels reached in 2019 were all record highs, as well.
Read the rest here:
Reason 40
Donald Trump supports our nation's heroes.
"Our nation is strong because of remarkable individuals like these service members. In the midst of our greatest trials and biggest challenges, America prevails because of the brave and selfless patriots who risk everything so that they may save lives of people, in many cases, that they don’t know. They have no idea who they are. It’s like law enforcement: They save the lives of people that, for the most part, they have no idea who they are, but they’re so determined to do it."
- Donald Trump
September 14, 2020
Reason 39
Donald Trump is strategically working to lead not only the nation but the world into peace and stability.
Reason 38
"President Trump is the first US President to give more than lip service to eliminating taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and giving parents school choice options. For years I have pondered our government and courts telling women they can choose to murder their children by abortion from conception through birth while at the same time making it very difficult to choose where and how to educate the children we chose not to abort. Giving President Trump four more years gives us the opportunity to stop taxpayer funding of planned parenthood organizations and open the doors for parents to choose where and how to educate their children. Vote School Choice for all, born and unborn. Vote Trump-Pence 2020."
- Janet Mader
Campbell County State Committeewoman
Reason 37
President Trump has led large businesses and he leads our nation with a business mind. Money couldn't buy such astute leadership and President Trump won't take any money for doing the hard work.
Reason 36
President Donald J. Trump is supporting our veterans! They have launched the PREVENTS initiative to help our veterans and prevent veteran suicide.
Reason 35
President Trump has stood strong for the values in the Republican Party Platform.
Reason 34
Since his election, Donald Trump has continued to build his legacy by appointing Conservative judges. We know he will do the same when choosing a nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Reason 33
"Donald Trump is the only one standing between us and the Democrat dystopia."
Harriet Hageman
September State Central Committee Meeting
Reason 32
Donald Trump promised to protect our borders.
Since his inauguration, his team has constructed over 400 miles of the border wall and are currently able to build 1 mile of wall per day. Due to his negotiations with southern countries, the cost of doing so is shared by others as we help them to solve their crisis at the border as well.
Reason 31
President Trump signed an executive order to improve seniors’ health care and improve the fiscal sustainability of Medicare.
Reason 30
In 2018 Donald Trump Donated his fourth-quarter salary to the Department of Transportation to support infrastructure reform.
Donald Trump has continually gifted his salary as a means to personally assist in #makingAmericagreatagain.
Reason 29
"Donald Trump made it clear that China will either start following the rules, or they would face stiff tariffs. Their unfair trade practices, he warned, are clear violations of the agreement that enabled China to enter the World Trade Organization in 2001. Trump did not want China to mistakenly think he would be another American politician eager to roll over for the communist regime. He dramatically said, “We’re not playing games any longer, folks.”
Just as President Trump predicted, China did end up coming to the bargaining table. President Trump’s team worked to sign a “phase one” trade deal to see tariffs lifted. The China Virus interrupted any further progress on China trade deals, but President Trump has officially proven that tariffs can be a successful tool to secure authentically free trade for the American people.
I will support and vote for President Trump because he keeps his promises!"
- Rick Martin
Worland, WY
Reason 28
"Donald Trump is the candidate who stands for the principles that made the USA such a great place. He’s ready to fight those who wish to destroy the USA!"
- Jeb Hanson
Lusk, WY
Reason 27
"President Donald J. Trump has my support and vote. His objective of 'Draining the Swamp' is a necessity if this great Republic is to survive. The corrupt bureaucracy of the deep state must be indicted, jailed and eliminated.
I support the President's stance on China, and his stalwart handling of the continuous trade war China has been perpetrating against the US for the last two decades. I also support Trumps treating the Soros supported left wing lunatics of ANTIFA and the BLM movement as terrorists.
President Trump's economy has brought this great country out of the democrat economic malaise created by the Obama/Biden administration, and will continue to grow even after the COVID-19 stupidity has finally ended.
VOTE FOR DONALD J. TRUMP and MIKE PENCE on Nov. 3 help this great President to 'DRAIN THE SWAMP'"
- Jeff Raney
Gillette, WY
Reason 26
I am voting for Donald Trump and Mike Pence because they believe in the American dream, they believe in the American ideals that have made this country great. Their administration will continue to bring jobs back to the country and will be the leaders the country needs to bring us out of this so-called pandemic. God Bless the USA. God Bless the President and Vice President.
Kirk C. Haas Chairman, Goshen County Republican Party
Reason 25
President Trump understands using money responsibly and has done so with the American people's money.
Reason 24
"At Tuesday night’s presidential debate President Trump proved himself once again to be the fighter the American people elected in 2016 and the leader we need fighting for us in the next four years...Throughout the course of the 90-minute debate in Cleveland, President Trump was in control, in command, and made a compelling case for his re-election by showing he is willing to fight for the policies that work for and uplift all Americans."
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel
Reason 23
President Donald J. Trump is taking further action to ensure that our economic prosperity and national security do not depend on imports from our adversaries.
Yesterday, President Trump is signing an Executive Order and declaring a National Emergency to expand the domestic mining industry, support mining jobs, alleviate unnecessary permitting delays, and reduce our Nation’s dependence on China for critical minerals.
The Order begins the process for the Department of the Interior to develop a program to use its authorities under the Defense Production Act (DPA) to fund mineral processing that protects our national security.
The action will cut down on unnecessary delays in permitting actions, providing Americans opportunities for jobs and improving economic and national security.
Through this Order, Federal agencies will use their authorities to investigate and work to decrease our Nation’s reliance on minerals imports.
Read the rest here:
Reason 22
"I want to see him elected again because he believes in our constitution and our nation under God. He's done remarkable things in his presidency that all gets pushed aside by jaded news media.
No President was allowed in North Korea but Trump. He has been huge in peace treaties with nations that wouldn't even consider sitting down together, he is trying to revive American Made and be much less dependent on the world.
And most of all; even with all the things the Democrats have thrown at him, he's still strong and fighting. It also is just proving how corrupt Washington really is and their drive for world government/socialism."
Christine Bonham
Fremont County
Reason 21
"I have a multitude of reasons to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket. However, as a manufacturing engineer, one that is particularly germane to me is that their administration is working hard to bring back manufacturing to the US from overseas.
In 1979 when I was choosing my college major I decided to emulate my maternal grandfather and study mechanical engineering. He had a good solid career and provided well for his family. At the time I reasoned that manufacturing was so critical to America's prosperity, our nation's government and corporate leadership and would assure its eminence in the national economy. However, by the time I graduated with my two bachelor's degrees in 1985, the export of manufacturing jobs was already well underway. Over the next 30 years I was shocked and appalled as not only were millions of good paying manufacturing jobs lost and tens of thousands of vital manufacturing plants closed.
Even critical medical products, the coding and billing of sensitive personal data and strategic military products and intellectual property were outsourced to nations that were clearly not our allies through corporations of very questionable integrity and purpose.
Meanwhile, I struggled to manage a stable career and provide a decent middle class living for my family as whole sectors of U.S. manufacturing declined and some even virtually vanished.
In the President's public statements and policies and I discern a good understanding of the pressing need to bring manufacturing back to the U.S not only for prosperity and security, but to end the subsidizing of those government and corporate entities that are inimical to the American way of life."
Karl Falken
Reason 20
"I am voting for our President Donald J. Trump because he is a fighter for our Liberty. He is working as no other I have seen in any government position to take out over reaching regulations that tie our hands and choke off our oxygen. He works so we can have freedom and liberty to prosper as we determine.
To bring back personal accountability and the privilege to grasp opportunity and build on integrity, determination, and grit. He works so we can fight back socialism, communism, and so that our Republic will live.
I will vote for President Trump as my life depended on it. I believe it does."
Pepper Ottman
Riverton, WY
Reason 19
"Main reason I’m a Trumpy: He loves America and its people and is fighting for its existence."
Ben C. Barto
Dubois, WY
Reason 18
"I am voting for Trump because he is not a politician. He cares about the good of the people and country. He has kept most of the promises he made to the people. He is pro Second Amendment. He is pro Business. He is pro American citizens."
Dennis Koppenhafer
Shoshoni, WY
Reason 17
"He strongly supports Israel."
Zane Fross
Lysite, WY
Reason 16
"I support President Trump because he is not afraid to do what is right for all Americans. He keeps his promises and does what he says he will do. President Trump has been instrumental in delivering commonsense criminal justice reform. This includes the FIRST STEP Act, which works to undo the mass incarceration of minority groups, and the "Ready to Work Initiative" which works to reduce recidivism rates."
- Dani Olsen
Cheyenne, WY
Reason 15
"Donald Trump represents an ideology of life, freedom, and prosperity. His opponent represents an ideology of death, tyranny, and corruption. Only the deceived would vote for such an ideology."
Vernis Trumble
Reason 14
"I believe President Trump is the only President in my lifetime who has worked tirelessly to specifically fulfill all of his campaign promises in the first term. The few he has not yet fulfilled, but continues to work, have been overtly opposed or sabotaged by both the Radical and the Liberal Left in the Democratic Party and their Progressive allies within the Republican Party."
- Bryan Miller
Sheridan, WY
Reason 13
"I am voting for Trump because, he supports Israel. He is pro life, pro Second Amendment, and he is appointing Conservative judges. The future of America is at stake. Vote Trump!"
- Carolyn Luther
Hulett, WY
Reason 12
The number one reason I voted for Trump in 2016 was his ability to appoint conservative federal justices including the SCOTUS. He has done better than imagined and promises to continue. This one act will set the tone for several decades regardless of the party in power. Everything else he's accomplished is just a bonus.
- Richard Jones
Cody, WY
Reason 11
"We are voting for President Trump because he is not part of the establishment."
Larry & Susan Lone
Reason 10
"I voted for, and will again, Donald J. Trump. He believes in the Constitution which is based on the Ten Commandments of the Bible. He doesn't lie like the ones he took over from. The Bill of Rights is EXTREMELY important and President Trump believes in and follows it, the Democrats do not - period."
- Gary Land
Reason 9
"I am voting for President Trump because he works for the American People. He does not appease the global elitists who have an anti-American agenda, he stands up for you and me like any elected official worth having should. Donald Trump not only works for you and I, but those who are yet to be born. I commend him on his 'Born Alive' executive order. We must have four more years!"
- Senator Cheri Steinmetz
Reason 8
"The reasons I am voting again for president Trump are:
1. He is all that is between we the American people and Pelosi’s communism.
2. He promised to drain the swamp and now the swamp is fighting back like never before, he has exposed corruption like never before.
3. He protects our religious freedoms that are under attack from the Left and Hollywood"
- Louis Gary Welch
Reason 7
"I will be voting for Donald Trump because he has gotten rid of so many overreaching government rules and regulations that it gave us the lowest unemployment numbers of my lifetime. Also if the Swamp hates him this much he must be doing a Great Job."
- Jim Robinson
Reason 6
President Trump leads with a genuine love for America.
Reason 5
"I’m voting for President Trump because I want another FOUR MORE YEARS of exposing and cleaning up the mess we know as the deep state. And because he needs time to keep one more promise. Mr. President, I’m not tired of winning yet.
"’re going to be so proud of your country…and we’re going to win so much…that you may even get tired of winning. You may even say ‘It’s too much winning!!’" Albany NY rally, May 2016."
- Kathy Russell
Reason 4
"His deeds follow his words. He Cares about the rights and feelings of others before his own."
- Curt Meier
Treasurer, State of Wyoming
Reason 3
"I’m voting for Trump because he has stood up for America with China and Mexico, he has pushed back against the liberal communist love fest and he has made it a priority to stand with our law enforcement officials and the rule of law."
Corey Steinmetz
National Committeeman
Reason 2
"I’m voting for Donald Trump!
He is the only president/politician/man standing between the US citizens and a raving mad epidemic of globalist Socialists. If Kamala and her Oligarchy Group of tyrants gain power, our Republic is dead."
W. Frank Eathorne
Wyoming GOP Chairman
Reason 1
Wyoming is voting for President Donald Trump because Wyomingites know that he is the last best hope for our free nation. Donald Trump has proven to be a selfless leader. He is bold and leads on the premise of American Exceptionalism. Donald Trump has worked to reclaim American values and ideals as our founding fathers intended.
Join us in casting your for President Trump by November 3rd! If you requested an early, don't forget to return it to your county clerk's office.
You must know that none of this is real. You can't make this shit up. Oh, wait. They did make this shit up. Every word of it.
Just like Trump, facts have no basis here.
Long live my president
Thanks for the laugh!