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October 27, 2020

Reason 10: Wyoming votes Republican because Wyoming believes in good government. Wyoming Republicans know that good government, that is, effective and efficient, is necessary and desirable. Wyoming Republicans know that the smaller the government, the bigger the citizen. Reason 9: Wyoming votes Republican because Wyoming believes in less regulation and more opportunity. Wyoming Republicans are by nature entrepreneurial, knowing they are uniquely qualified to determine market needs in their own business world and see what they can add to that world. They also know they’re more successful in innovating and selling their products and services when regulations are limited. Reason 8: Wyoming votes Republican because Wyoming believes in the power and freedom of the individual. Wyoming Republicans largely believe that personal responsibility and accountability goes hand-in-hand with the freedom we have to make decisions affecting our individual lives. We also believe we’re individually capable of making life decisions and are more informed about our individual needs, capabilities and abilities than could be any administrator. Reason 7: Wyoming votes Republican because Wyoming believes in lower and fewer taxes and more money in the pocket of the person by whom it was earned. Wyoming Republicans are for lower taxes because they believe you, not the government, are best equipped to spend your money in the best way. Reason 6: Wyoming votes Republican because Wyoming believes in advocating for and taking care of the most vulnerable among us. Republicans are the party that values human life from conception to natural death. We are the party of LIFE! Reason 5: Wyoming votes Republican because Wyoming believes in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all. Wyoming Republicans understand that having born an American, and more specifically living in Wyoming, allows a unique set of opportunity. This, combined with hard work ethic and ingenuity leaves one to know any of their goals or dreams are within reach. Reason 4: Wyoming votes Republican because Wyoming believes we must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times. Reason 3: Wyoming votes Republican because Wyoming believes we should value and preserve our national state sovereignty and pride while working to become nationally renown as the freest state in the nation. Thus improving the lives of those within, outside of and those seeking to make their states more like Wyoming. Reason 2: Wyoming votes Republican because Wyoming believes in the Constitution of the State of Wyoming and of the United States. We believe that the principles therein were intentionally written to pioneer an experiment that resulted in the most thriving, successful and freedom-loving collection of sovereign states in history. Reason 1: Wyoming votes Republican because Wyoming believes when Republican Values win, Wyoming wins!


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