February 1, 2019
The Wyoming Legislative Session continues full-steam ahead and today is officially the last day for bills to be reported out of committee. If there has been no action in a committee by the end of the day the bill is dead.
Some of the bills we are watching include:
Per our platform and resolutions there are several bills we are taking action on today and we invite you to join us in doing so as well by both attending the respective committee meetings as well as contacting the members of the committees and asking them to vote in-line with Republican Party principles.
HB0244 - Medicaid-work requirements and expansion - OPPOSE - ACT NOW!
Medicaid Expansion passed House Labor/Health Committee yesterday (6-3) and was re-referred to House Appropriations Committee. It needs to be heard in Committee of the Whole today or Monday.
Contact the House Appropriations Committee and ask them to vote NO on medicaid expansion.
If you’ve been following this legislative session you probably have heard about this bill that will drastically increase the tax burden in Wyoming. Although it is currently presented as a tax on “big box stores” this bill is bad for business. With only ONE LINE added to the bill this could turn into an income tax for all in Wyoming. We believe that this bill is simply laying the groundwork for future taxation.
This bill has moved to the Senate and has not yet been assigned to a committee. Contact your Senator today and insist that this bill be stopped!
SF0128 - Unborn victims of violence act. - SUPPORT - ACT NOW!
This excellent bill provides for the protection of unborn children in the state of Wyoming from battery, aggravated battery, first, second and third degree murder and vehicular homicide.
This bill was heard yesterday by the Senate Judiciary Committee and was voted out of committee. It has now been moved to the House for introduction. Please contact your Representative and ask them to vote YES.
Both HB0230 and HB0289 promote Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) language altering our current marital and employment laws to elevate a small group of people to a protected status.
HB0230 passed the House Revenue Committee this morning. It will now move to the Senate. Please contact your Senator today and tell them that the Constitutions of Wyoming and of the United States provide for equal rights for all. We do not need to create a special class. If this were to pass it would surely weaponize this small group of individuals to prosecute innocent, law abiding citizens in Wyoming.
HB0289 strips most gendered language out of Wyoming las. Terms like “father and mother” will be replaced with “parents” and “husband and wife” would be changed to “spouses". It redefines parent as “adjudicated parent”. It would have devastating and lasting impacts on our families including the exploitation of women and children as well as stripping children from their their right to know their biological parents. Please contact your Representative today and ask them to vote NO on HB0289.
Thank you for your diligence throughout this legislative session. Great strides are being made in Cheyenne for life, for Wyoming families, for our businesses and for our freedom and liberty. We have some amazing Senators and Representatives standing strong for the values we hold in Wyoming.
The reviews of each of these bills were up-to-date as of 10:30 am on Friday, Feb. 1. Because of the fast-paced nature of the Legislature, contact the Legislative Services Office with any specific questions at 307-777-7781.